Ticket prices may be higher or lower than face value.
Your Columbia Ticket Resale Marketplace.

Need Answers To Only Columbia MO Tickets Frequently Asked Questions?

If you have inquiries about Only Columbia MO Tickets or how ticketing work, you can find it on our Frequently Asked Questions. If you have other problems not answered in this list, just call our customer service hotline. Contact us by phone at 803-592-6637 or fill out our support form.

If someone buys a ticket from an event’s box office -- AKA the primary ticket seller -- they have the choice to resell that seat to a different buyer. Sellers in the secondary ticket market may involve box office promoters, licensed ticket brokers, and firms, and individuals like you. Only Columbia MO Tickets has tickets from a leading ticket marketplace, and directs results for Columbia and adjoining towns so you will easily discover the perfect seats in your area.

The secondary ticket market is on a price per demand model, and you could find that prices fluctuate as time goes by. It’s not rare to see tickets fall less than primary costs. You may also find hot seats for sold out shows that might cost more money than the box office purchase price. The trick to the secondary market is to come back often to find who’s coming to Columbia.

Depending on the seller and event, you may receive your tickets in a few different methods:

Email: A code will be emailed to you before the event, from which you may print your actual ticket. These e-tickets might have to be downloaded with My Ticket Tracker.

Shipped: Sellers will mail the paper stubs through Federal Express. Purchased tickets are guaranteed to get there before the event starts, and you will have a FedEx tracking code once your package ship.

Venue Will Call: Tickets will be left in the event’s will call or main window.

3rd party Pick-up: Tickets have to be collected at an outside place other than the venue (not more than thirty minutes away from the event).

Paperless: The seller will come and meet your party at the gate and go with you to the will call area.

Flash: The ticket seller will mail you a prepaid card that you can scan at the event gate. It will contain the initial sale information and will give a viable receipt.

You can pick a different shipping address -- including P.O. boxes -- for most ticket orders placed through Only Columbia MO Tickets. However, on sales above $750, the ticket seller may reject to mail to a different address other than the billing address. Furthermore, sellers may ask for a signed authorization from you if they need verification that the delivery address is valid.

Instant tickets generally show as available to download and print after you submit the order. Please account for processing time, which could take as much as one business day. You will see a confirmation email explaining how to use your instant tickets.

To make sure you experience a wonderful time in Columbia, all tickets have a 100% Money Back Guarantee in the event that:


  • The seller never ships your purchased tickets
  • You receive your purchased tickets after the event begins
  • The venue finds your purchased tickets void. (The venue must produce verifiable evidence in the form of a written letter.)
  • The event was canceled with no rescheduled date. (Refund does not include shipping fees.)


Usually, tickets off of Only Columbia MO Tickets are first-come, first-served. If your order is canceled mid-process, it means another customer finished their purchase before you. In that case, you will have to return to that event and try selecting a different seat.

Many sellers have several groups of seats and are able to satisfy parties more successfully if they leave off the seat numbers on the listings. Instead, you'll see the rows and larger sections to choose from. Your full party will be side by side to each other, unless specified in the listing.

Because Only Columbia MO Tickets is a resale site, the ticket will show the first buyer’s name rather than yours. However, you will still be let into the event, as it's the bar code that's necessary to enter.

To prevent ticketing fraud, most tickets are one-of-a-kind entities. Therefore, if your tickets get lost, ruined, or stolen, you can contact the seller about replacing lost tickets. However, all sales are final.

In the case that an event has been permanently canceled, you qualify for a complete reimbursement (shipping not refundable). If the event gets put off and rescheduled for another time, your tickets will move to the new date.